Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Historical accounts of Kundalini (Spiritual) Awakening

 Gopi Krishna

Roland Bucke

Kundalini Research: Resources and Websites explained


Focused on Kundalini Yoga and offering trainings, this website includes a link to Scientific Research about Yoga and Kundalini, which at the current moment (October 12th, 2021) is not yet populated and links back to the KRI homepage. 

Contact information:

The Kundalini Research Institute

PO Box 1819

Santa Cruz, NM 87567



Toll-Free 1-855-519-4790


This website was created by Gopi Krishna in 1975 after his own profound Kundalini Awakening Experience. Gopi Krishna

What is Kundalini and why might knowing about Kundalini be important?

What is Kundalini and where does the term Kundalini come from?

What is Kundalini awakening and how do individuals experience this process?

What did the ancient Yogis mean by Kundalini and why is Kundalini important for human development in Yogic scriptures?

How did an Eastern concept like Kundalini come to the West and how was it received, assimilated, used?

Jung, etc.

How is the term Kundalini used in modern (Western) society?

What is Spiritual Emergence/Emergency and where does Kundalini fit into this concept?

How does Western psychology understand the experiences that individuals report that are experiencing Kundalini Awakening?

Historical accounts of Kundalini (Spiritual) Awakening

 Gopi Krishna Roland Bucke